About EnigMagick

A tool for analysis English text, phrases and words using English Qabala or Gematria of Nothing. The name combines the words Enigma and Magick. First version written between 27th and 30th December 2012 by Toni Widmo.

It has been written as a replacement the excellent but aging DOS software, LEXICON by Tina Coutu (aka Soror Ishtaria). As fun as it was to run this using DOSBox, Toni felt it was time to create something easier to use.

Liber AL

The default text searched against for value matches is Liber AL vel LEGIS, aka The Book of the Law. The reason being that this is the "holy book" or channeled text that first mentions that the ALW cipher exists, and which provided the clues which eventually lead to its discovery by Jim Lees. From Lees, Jake Stratton Kent and Carol Smith learned of the cipher, and from there it passed on to Tina Coutu and others. If Crowley was aware of the cipher, he took the secret to his grave.

Allen Greenfield

Toni began working with the cipher after reading two books by Allen Greenfield, namely Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts and Secret Rituals of the Men in Black. She became aware of Allen's work via involvement with the In Free Communion community.

"Fellow Star Toni, and Fellow Stars,

I'm delighted that Secret Cipher and Secret Rituals proved inspirational - it is a case of passing along the development of a rich theoretical framework and valuable research tool. I can say also that the late Tina Coutu first exposed me to the entire NAEQ idea, plus Lexicon. After initial polite skepticism on my part, when I applied the cipher via Lexicon and hand computation to the strange names that show up in contactees, MIB and Abduction lore, I had a great breakthrough in my own understanding. Coutu, in turn, was indebted to Bill Webb of QBLH and he, in turn, to Lees, Smith and Stratton-Kent for the discovery of this Qabalistic cipher.

This is a huge step forward. One I have long hoped for.

Agape, Allen G"

Free Cultural Magick

EnigMagick is a tool of Free Cultural Magick, released as both Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike and GPL3. You can download it from github.com

Further reading on the cipher

Supporting Future Development

EnigMagick is a free download released on Creative Commons and GPL licences, but this does not mean it is developed without cost. To support the future development of EnigMagick and other cyber magic tools, subscribe to Toni's patreon.